New Neighbour Pt. 11

"Good boy, I'm so proud of you."

The words seemed to be inside my head. It took me a while to realise that Ma'am was whispering them against my latex covered head. My body was awash in the amazing sensations running through my cock. Ma'am's thumb was still working it's magic but I was somehow divorced from proceedings.

"Do you want to cum baby?"

I didn't even think, I just shook my head. All I wanted was to stay like this for as long as possible, in some sort of pre orgasmic bliss. Her thumb slowed and she began to pump my cock with her fist. Her hand was on my shaft and she avoided touching my head, but her grip was tight. Each pump felt like it forced even more blood into my already engorged member.

"Remember tonight baby. Remember these feelings and remember that you have made me very happy."

Her hand left me and she got up. A minute later the freezing towel was wrapped around me. I felt some disappointment but mostly I was incredibly proud. I had got to the place that Ma'am had been leading me to. A place where my orgasm didn't matter, a place that gave me great pleasure but that didn't have an end. I had given Ma'am many orgasms and after a slight false start I had been able to completely ignore my own needs.

I felt the cage going back on and the thick mask and penis gag being removed. I blinked in the light and looked up at Ma'am's smiling face. She took my hand and pulled me up. We had a long hug and she said she needed a drink.

We went downstairs and I poured us both a glass of wine. She held up her glass and we clinked glasses.

"To you Tom. Well done baby, that was definitely a break through moment. Most subs never get to that point, a point where they can totally let go of their own needs and desires. It's almost zen like."

"Thank you Ma'am, I have no idea what happened. I just know that it felt amazing and that I want to be there again."

She touched my face and smiled.

"Don't get ahead of yourself baby. Firstly, it might not work next time. You might not be able to find that place again, but each time you do I think it will be easier to get to the next time. Secondly, I might not want you there. I might want you desperate and begging to cum."

She was stroking my cage and I was immediately hard again.

"That's a good place to be too, isn't it? So horny that you think you will go mad if you don't cum."

My cock was twitching in the prison. She was right, I loved that feeling too. It was so intense.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm sure you will make that happen many times and I do really love it."

We chatted away for a while until Ma'am started yawning. I was placed in my sleep sack in the dungeon for the night but it was quite a while before my cock and my imagination allowed me to sleep.

"Wakey wakey latex boy!"

I had been fast asleep. Ma'am simply walked over to me and sat on my face. It was a very nice way to wake up. By the time I had finished my cock was throbbing with desire and Ma'am was purring in satisfaction. She freed me and we went to the kitchen where I prepared breakfast.

We ate and then Ma'am told me to follow her to the dungeon. She had installed a toilet and a sink down there in the cell since my last visit so that people could be locked in for longer periods. I found this news a little disconcerting, I had got used to spending the night in there but I wasn't looking forward to anything more.

"I have some vanilla friends coming round later boy. They are spending the night so you are staying down here. Back in a minute."

She had a laptop with her when she returned and set it up next to the cell. My feet were cuffed close together and I was handcuffed in front of my body so that I could use the facilities. She removed my hood and put hi tech wireless earphones in my ears before locking the hood back on.

"You did very well today boy, but there is always room for improvement so I thought a little brainwashing would help. There are four short videos that will play on a loop, they are all tease and denial which I seem to remember you enjoy."

She gave me a wicked smile as we both remembered her visiting me in my bedroom. Fortunately for me the latex hood covered my embarrassment.

"Watch them very carefully, there will be questions in the morning that you would be well advised to answer correctly. I have also recorded a message for you to listen to, also on a loop. Enjoy boy. Lights out at midnight and back on at eight in the morning."

With that she locked the cell, hit a few buttons on the laptop and left.

I heard her voice in my head, soft and velvety.

"You will always obey me.

Your cock will always obey me.

You belong to me.

Your cock belongs to me.

Your orgasms belong to me.

You will never cum without my permission.

You will never cum without my permission."

My cock hardened immediately in my cage. Her words and her voice always had an impact on me, and now they felt like they were inside my head. I will never cum without permission. It was a frightening thought but I wanted that level of control. My cock was raging in the cage as I imagined a life where I literally couldn't cum unless she told me to. My mind was flying around thinking of the levels of desire her denial could take me to.

I shook my head and looked at the laptop through the bars. I smiled, the first video was the Mistress T video that she had watched with me during that excruciating but incredibly erotic time in my bedroom. She had remembered it, and I remembered my embarrassment. But I also remembered how turned on I had been as her finger just ran up and down the underside of my cock. Mistress T had a slave tied down and she unlocked him from a chastity device and teased him mercilessly. The next video was a beautiful woman giving a man a teasing blow job. Her mouth was wet and inviting and she used her tongue on his head driving him crazy. The third one involved some torture. The slave's cock and balls were very tightly bound. The domme masturbated him with one hand while squeezing and slapping his balls with the other. She wasn't messing about either, he was clearly in a lot of pain. Each video was about fifteen minutes long. I got a bit of a shock when the forth one started, it was me and Ma'am! I was in the chair, bound and hooded. I had no idea when she had made it, but then I spent most of my time in the chair blind so she could have set it up any time. My balls were tightly bound and Ma'am's latex covered hands were sliding all over my cock. I could see it trembling and I saw my bound body tensing and pulling at my bonds.

I realised that I had watched them all once and hadn't taken a thing in. I was throbbing like mad in the cage and glassy eyed, horny didn't describe half of my current level of arousal.

Ma'am's words were running relentlessly through my head but I realised one message was missing, that I should always try to please her. I tried to compose myself a little and concentrate on the videos. I had no idea what sort of questions she would ask so I just tried to take it all in.

One thing that I had noticed was that the sub didn't get to have an orgasm in any of the videos. He remained denied in all of them, that was clearly deliberate. I watched them all again, I tried to concentrate but the combination of the arousing imagery and Ma'am's words echoing in my head were turning my brain into mush. All I could think of was my throbbing cock that would never be satisfied. It was sexual hell but I was so incredibly turned on. My cock wouldn't stop throbbing and my balls were aching under the strain. I realised that I was gripping the cell bars tightly in my fists and that my hips were slowly thrusting to their own rhythm. I took a deep breath and tried to relax while closing my eyes for a moment to stop the images that were burning into my retina. But then my only sensory input was Ma'am's mantra inside my head. It was relentless and so highly sexually charged. I put my hands up to my latex hood, I could probably rip it off and take the earphones out if I tried but I knew for certain that Ma'am would be very unhappy if I did that.

I took another deep breath, control yourself Tom. There was nothing I could do to change the situation so I just had to cope with it. It was all part of my training, it was part of the journey. I could either fight it or go with it and accept it. I opened my eyes and saw an erect and tightly tied cock being gently massaged and an equally tightly tied pair of balls being viciously squeezed. When I was fucking Ma'am I had found that the best way to ignore my own desperate desire was to concentrate solely on her, so I tried to concentrate on the videos and watch them intently. It worked to an extent, in that it took my mind off how horny I felt but it didn't stop my raging cock doing it's best to break out of the steel cage. I did notice that I could hardly hear Ma'am anymore. I guessed she was now digging her way deep into my subconscious. I was going to carry those messages with me for a very long time.

I will never cum without your permission, I will never cum without your permission. Could Ma'am actually make this happen? I had no idea. Perhaps my life would be easier if she could, if she could flick a switch in my brain so that not cumming became easy and not a desperate struggle then maybe I would be able to relax and do anything she wanted to please her. Maybe I would fight her because my masochistic side loved the struggle? Those moments on the edge of orgasm, on the edge of sanity, were beautiful. That was when I felt most alive with endorphins flying through me.

Time would tell, the here and now was what mattered. My full cock and full balls demanded my attention again. I couldn't even remember how many times I had watched the videos now, was it three of four? It would definitely be a while yet before the lights went out, would that be my cue to stop watching and try to sleep? I needed to pee and to have a drink. I had some water and sat on the toilet. I had to force my cock down but there was no way I could go when I was this hard in the cage. I just had to sit there and wait for it to soften a little but with Ma'am's words still pumping into my ears it was difficult. Eventually, with constant downward pressure I was able to go. I shook the last drop off and stood up. I was worried about the questions that Ma'am would ask but I really didn't want to watch the videos again. It was a blessed relief to not be rock hard, my balls were grateful for a brief rest from the constant strain. I also realised that I was getting quite hungry, Ma'am had said she would bring some food down but there was no sign of her yet.

I stood around for a bit and stretched out. I felt my cock begin to harden again and groaned inwardly, not again? I will never cum without her permission. That was it, I was hard again. It was impossible to stop. I looked down at the red, taut skin bulging through the bars. It twitched, it wasn't my doing but I couldn't stop it. Surely the pattern of the bars would be imprinted on my cock forever by now.

There was a noise and I saw Ma'am at the top of the stairs. She was smiling but had a finger over her mouth indicating that I should remain silent. Like a cat she padded down carrying a bowl which was put through the bars. It looked like cold leftovers. She beckoned me to the edge of the cell and put one hand behind my neck and the other round my balls. She kissed me, deeply and passionately while squeezing my balls hard. I moaned deep down in my throat both in passion and pain but Ma'am took no notice. My cock was like iron as her soft tongue explored my mouth. Then she was gone, swaying her way up the stairs. I was left breathless with aching balls. I struggled to my knees and put a finger into the food, it was stone cold. What time was it? Dinner at eight maybe? An hour, maybe two for the food to go cold. It was ten at the latest so two more hours before lights out. I ate it and washed it down with a gulp of water. I didn't want to drink too much as having a pee had proved quite tricky.

I will never cum without her permission. I wondered if the batteries would run out but I knew they wouldn't. Ma'am always took care of the details. I went back to the laptop and saw a wet mouth slowly slide over the swollen head of a desperate sub's cock. I moaned as my body somehow pushed more blood into my tortured cock. How was she using her tongue? How many times did she take him deep inside her? I tried to look at it analytically and memorise the details but all I could think of was how wonderful her mouth would feel on my squashed glans. I didn't want to cum, I just wanted to be free of this prison. I wanted to be free to be properly hard and to feel a soft tongue rather than hard steel digging into my flesh.

I kept watching as another hour long cycle of the four videos played. I glanced down a few times, to see my throbbing shaft and deep red aching balls. Suddenly there was a click and the lights went out and the computer screen went blank. Thank god for that I thought. Then I saw a line of text appear on the screen.

You will never cum without my permission boy.

I just stood and stared at it while Ma'am told me the same thing through my earphones.

At that moment it felt like the truth. I would never cum without her permission.

I dropped clumsily to my knees and moved to the thin mattress and pillow Ma'am had generously provided. I lay down with my legs and hands cuffed. I closed my eyes but I could still see all the highly sexual images that I had been watching flashing through my brain.

You will always obey me

Your cock will always obey me.

You belong to me.

Your cock belongs to me.

Your orgasms belong to me.

You will never cum without my permission.

You will never cum without my permission.

Obviously this hadn't stopped when the videos had. It was still being relentlessly whispered into my mind. My cock was still standing straight up, still straining against the steel. I will never cum without her permission. I noticed my whole body was tense. It was as if all my nervous energy, all my lust was being directed into my tortured cock. It was never going to go soft and it was never going to experience another orgasm. I was locked in a permanent cycle of denial and arousal forever. I deliberately stretched every muscle I could and tried to slump back into a relaxed state. I had to calm myself. I had been in situations like this before although probably not this intense. I just had to lie there and wait, be at peace with my body and eventually my cock would relent and let me sleep. It worked, but it took a long time. I lost myself in Ma'am's words and let myself drift slowly off to sleep. Amazingly I slept like a log. When the lights came on I was totally disorientated. I had been having weird dreams but they slipped away as soon as I woke. It was only when I tried to move that I remembered where I was. My cock was filling the cage but it wasn't hard. What I did know was that I really needed to pee. I was stiff from a night on the thin mattress but I slowly got up and relieved myself.

You will never cum without my permission. There it was, filling my entire mind. I wanted to see Ma'am and throw myself at her feet and show my total submissiveness to her. I wanted to hold her tight, kiss her, and beg for her dominance. She had me. I was hers.

I noticed the laptop had started up with the lights. I decided that I had better watch the videos again to try and make sure I could answer her questions when she returned.

Unsurprisingly my cock quickly got hard again, pulsing and twitching against the bars. In the back of my mind I realised it was only eight o'clock. Ma'am's friends were probably still in bed, then there would be a leisurely breakfast. I was going to be here for hours yet.

I was right back where I had been last night, suffering a sensory overload. I had Ma'am's voice echoing through my mind and my eyes were glued to hard desperate cocks being teased and denied. Almost immediately I was incredibly turned on and straining in the cage. Usually I loved the feeling but this was too much. I had no idea how long I had been hard for last night and now I was going to be in the same situation for many more hours. Hands pumped lubed up cocks, mouths and tongues licked and sucked, fingers squeezed tied up balls again and again. I watched all the videos one more time in a haze of sexual tension. I barely noticed that I was watching them again when the computer shut down, the earphones clicked off and I realised that Ma'am was coming down the stairs.

I immediately fell to my knees and bowed my head.

"Good morning boy, that's a lovely way to be greeted. How are you?"

I looked up, she was only wearing leggings and a tee shirt but she looked amazing.

"Good morning Ma'am. I am horny, desperate, rock hard and yours."

"Nice. Did you enjoy the videos? By the way, it's actually gone ten o'clock, I told a little lie about when the lights were coming back on."

"I did Ma'am. It was a nice touch to include that Mistress T video. Thank you."

She laughed, "I thought you would like that. She is your favourite after all, isn't she boy?"

"She was Ma'am. I've got to know a couple of very interesting people since I used to watch those sort of videos."

She laughed again, "have you now? Anyway, I said there would be questions. First, how old is Mistress T? Second, how many orgasms have you given me this year? Third, how many times did you watch each of the videos?"

My heart sank. I had been watching the videos to try and anticipate questions about them. These questions were nothing to do with the content. How was I supposed to know how old Mistress T was? How was I supposed to know any of those answers.

I noticed the sparkle in her eye and let a little smile develop.

"Ageless, not enough and way too many times Ma'am."

She laughed again, "good answers baby, particularly the second one. I just wanted you to really watch the videos so the threat of questions seemed like a good way. Did it work?"

"Jesus Ma'am, I watched and watched and watched. I'm guessing the desired effect was to make me as horny as hell. I was desperate at times. I've never been so turned on for so long. And your voice drove me insane. I will never cum without your permission Ma'am."

She unlocked the cell and began to take my cuffs off.

"We'll see about that baby. Let's get you upstairs and in my bed. You're not the only horny person here."

She led me to the bedroom by my throbbing cock and lay down on the bed with her legs wide apart.

"I need a long slow morning orgasm boy so get to work."

I didn't need telling twice and I was between her thighs in seconds. It was a little awkward getting on to my stomach as I had to push my hard cock down so that I could lie down but I didn't care. This was my happy place. I didn't care how horny I was, I didn't care about anything except her beautiful pussy and the pleasure I was going to give her. As my tongue made contact with her moist and swollen lips I idly wondered about how many orgasms I had given her, but my answer seemed to cover it. Not enough, it would never be enough.

I wriggled around to get as comfortable as I could, I was going to be here for a while. Ma'am made a quiet murmering sound as I gently pushed my tongue deeper between her folds. I gently moved up and down being careful to avoid her clit for a while. She brought her knees up and I put my arms around her upper thighs holding her close to let her know my head was locked in now. I wanted to give her the best orgasm I could. I wanted to be enveloped by her smell and taste, I wanted to feel her writhing in orgasmic ecstacy that I had created. I could already feel tiny tremors running through her legs so I gently penetrated her as far as I could with my tongue and used it to slowly thrust in and out for a couple of minutes before making my way to her clit. There was a small gasp of pleasure as I touched it, she was definitely ready to begin the inevitable climb to an orgasm. I set a nice slow rhythm but I moved my tongue erratically so she never knew exactly what was coming next. I could hear her soft moans as her arousal increased. I would have smiled if my mouth wasn't so busy. I knew I could make her cum in a matter of seconds if I tried, but that wasn't what she wanted. It was odd, this was the only point in our relationship where I had any semblance of control. I was in charge of her pleasure and she trusted that I knew her well enough to make her cum when she needed to. It didn't need to be said that only my best efforts would be acceptable of course. It was time to accelerate things so I firmed up my movements and began applying more pressure to her willing clit. I started to feel little tremors in her stomach muscles now, and a growing tension in her legs. Her hips moved toward my mouth to increase the pressure but I held her where I wanted her with my arms and shoulders. This was my time, her hips had moved involuntarily because she craved more friction. If there was a conscious motion to encourage me then I would work with her but for now I used my experience to ever so slightly resist her. However I did increase the speed of my tongue a fraction to slowly increase her arousal. Every once in a while I applied more pressure for a few seconds before relenting. Soon there was more movements from her legs and hips, I used this as my cue to take her close. I surrounded her clit with my lips and sucked it into me. Her clit was proud against my tongue and I started vibrating the tip against it. There was an immediate effect as I felt her body jump and heard a long slow moan. I kept just the tip gently flickering across her and I felt her passion growing. Again her hips shifted but because my shoulders were against her thighs and cheeks it made no difference to my position. My tongue was moving fast but barely making contact. She was getting closer but I sensed that it wouldn't be enough. I knew I could keep her waiting a little while longer so I did, feeling the tension in her grow. Her muscles were trembling and she was breathing deeply. I increased the pressure a tiny bit more, that was it, that was enough, but it wouldn't happen immediately. We both knew it was coming. I adored this moment when I knew that I was taking her to a place of total ecstacy. Her groans got louder and her whole body started to shake. I slowed my tongue down just before she came.r"


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